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School of Management websiteEmployer: Royal Holloway, University of London
Job Title:
IT Officer and Webmaster (School of Management)

As well as editing and updating pages, I built and designed microsites for research groups using Dreamweaver templates (CRIS and CPSO) plus was heavily involved in migrating the School's content over to Contensis CMS.


screenshot About Australia pageEmployer: Thinking Australia Ltd
Job Title:
Web Designer/Developer (2005-6)

I researched, wrote and laid out the 'About Australia' section (Photoshop, Dreamweaver) and kept the news section up-to-date. Produced illustrations, designed and coded all new Flash content (except the photogallery). Converted, edited and encoded video for streaming (Premiere, Flash, Audacity).


Snail Trail Handweavers homepageClient: Snail Trail Handweavers
Role: Freelance Web Consultant (Summer 2005)

I wrote a 31 page report reviewing their previous website: content, online competitors, navigation, design, SEO, accessibility and methods of online payment. They have since redeveloped their site and incorporated some of my suggestions. This EEC-funded project was administered by Coleg Sir Gar in Carmarthen.


screenshot of St EdrensEmployer: BBC South West Wales
Role: Work Experience 2004

During a week with the BBC online team in Carmarthen I researched, wrote and photographed three slideshows (no longer available).