Royal Holloway, University of London
Job Title: IT Officer and Webmaster (School of Management)
As well as editing and updating pages, I built and designed microsites for research groups using Dreamweaver templates (CRIS and CPSO) plus was heavily involved in migrating the School's content over to Contensis CMS.
Thinking Australia Ltd
Job Title: Web Designer/Developer (2005-6)
I researched, wrote and laid out the 'About Australia' section (Photoshop, Dreamweaver) and kept the news section up-to-date. Produced illustrations, designed and coded all new Flash content (except the photogallery). Converted, edited and encoded video for streaming (Premiere, Flash, Audacity).
Snail Trail Handweavers
Role: Freelance Web Consultant (Summer 2005)
I wrote a 31 page report reviewing their previous website: content, online competitors, navigation, design, SEO, accessibility and methods of online payment. They have since redeveloped their site and incorporated some of my suggestions. This EEC-funded project was administered by Coleg Sir Gar in Carmarthen.
BBC South West Wales
Role: Work Experience 2004
During a week with the BBC online team in Carmarthen I researched, wrote and photographed three slideshows (no longer available).